Campbell Thomas & Co.

Community & Transportation Planning

Bourbon Blue River Deck

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Dining Deck Built Partially Over the Manayunk Canal Path and Bikeway

Like many properties along the Manayunk Canal, Bourbon Blue could not take advantage of great views of the canal, trail, and river. They asked Campbell Thomas & Co. to develop a scheme that would be acceptable to all, and then help them move that scheme though the complex combination of local neighborhood interests, and City, State, Park and Recreational interests. Campbell Thomas & Co. assembled a visual presentation and obtained, neighborhood, Park, City and State support, leases and approvals for the construction of the deck over a portion of the Trail and Canal Path.

Campbell Thomas & Co. effectively worked with everyone and in the process, improved the functionality of the business, the building and improved the safety of the Trail and Canal Path. The design also provides an accessible entrance to the restaurant by the installation of a ramp on Rector Street. All accessibility alterations and the new deck are in keeping with the historical character of the building and the site.
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