Campbell Thomas & Co.

Community & Transportation Planning

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The Grand History Trail
Adams County, PA

A Trail Feasibility Study between Gettysburg, Pennsylvania and the Mason-Dixon Line

(Above) The Sachs Covered Bridge will carry the Grand History Trail across Marsh Creek, just south of the Eisenhower National Historic Site.

The proposed Grand History Trail network links about 100 miles of existing trails, through and around the District of Columbia, Maryland and Pennsylvania, to form a more than 250-mile loop of on and off-road routes. It will link the National Mall in DC to the National Military Park in Gettysburg while connecting major cities and historical towns in the District of Columbia, Maryland and Pennsylvania.

Campbell Thomas & Co. was retained to develop a Trail feasibility study for a segment of the Grand History Trail between Gettysburg, PA and the Maryland Border with the ultimate goal of linking to Emmitsburg, MD. The study area is located within Cumberland, Freedom, and Liberty Townships in Adams County and was generally bounded by Gettysburg Borough to the North and the Maryland State Line to the South.

The proposed trail alignment passes through the Gettysburg National Military Park and Eisenhower National Historic Site, as well as several miles of rural farmland and private lands to the south. Recognizing the impact the trail might have on both the National Park lands and rural private properties was key in developing recommendations for the trail alignment. Campbell Thomas & Company utilizes this experience in the numerous communities throughout Pennsylvania and New Jersey in all trail projects we are involved.

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